Supported browsers and devices

For the best experiences using the Appy Stamp admin, widget and POS we support a certain range of browsers and devices.

OS supported

  • Windows – the latest two versions (i.e. Windows 10/11)
  • Mac – the latest two versions

We do not support Linux or other OS like Chromebook directly but you should be able to use them but expierence may vary.

Devices supported

  • IOS – the latest two versions
  • Android – the latest two version


  • Chrome & Chromium based browsers (Brave etc) – the latest two versions
  • Safari – the latest two versions
  • Firefox – the latest two versions
  • Edge – the latest two versions

Internet Explorer is not supported for any version.

Mobile browsers

We do not actively support in-app browsers for mobile devices, those browsers that pop up inside another app when you click on a link. We recommend using a proper full browser from the list above.