Program settings
Program settings are one of the key places you’ll spend your time. This is the heart of your loyalty and rewards program where you set up how customers earn stamps, and what they can redeem the stamps and stamp cards for.
Stamp Status
If you didn’t activate your loyalty program at the end of the Onboarding stage, this is where you can come to turn it on. Remember you also need to enable the widget in the Shopify theme customiser as well, if you did not also do this during onboarding.
You can disable the program here too if needed. Disabling (pausing) your rewards program is useful for making changes and updates to your settings without causing notifications to be sent out to customers or the widget showing up on your store.
Stamp Card Value
During Onboarding you will have selected how many Stamps you want to make up each Reward Card. If you ever want to edit this choice, you can do so here.
Important: If you change your card value after customers have earned stamps, you will affect how quickly or slowly they will be able to earn a reward depending on if you make the stamp card larger or smaller, so change with caution.
Earn Stamps
This is where you decide the methods you’d like to enable for your customers to earn stamps through. Click Add Way To Earn to see the options.
In the pop up, you will see the list of ways your customers can earn stamps. Click Add to begin the setup process for each. Let’s go through these one by one.
Place an order
This is the default reward when using Appy Stamp and this should be added by default when completing the Onboarding process. You can use this to edit how the reward works, or to re-add it if you have deleted it.
There are two options for you to pick from when rewarding customers for placing an order. Under Earning Type, you can choose either Fixed Amount of Stamps or Incremental Amount of Stamps.
Fixed Amount of Stamps: Our recommended option will give your customers a fixed amount of stamps for each order they place, and you can select your preferred number here under Earning Value.
The Status panel on the right of the page shows whether this reward is active or disabled, and underneath confirms the setup you have selected on the left.
The Custom Icon panel allows you to upload a custom image that will show in the Widget that your customers will see in relation to the Place an Order reward. You can use our provided default icon here, or upload your own. Our recommended image size is 90 x 90 pixels, and you can upload in the JPEG, PNG and SVG formats.
Incremental Amount of Stamps: If you’d like to reward your customers based on the amount they spend, choose this option to determine how many stamps they earn against your chosen currency value.
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